The authors here have suggested four contributors to vital youth ministry - Vision, Team, Church, and Special Events. They also make reference to Leadership and Relationships. So let's see what they have to say.
While leadership is important, and we who are leaders should be doing what we can to continue learning to lead, this is not the most vital character. If you've been involved with various groups long enough you will know this, because there are some groups that have what I would call terrible leadership, yet the group flourishes. Maybe it's just a different kind of leadership that works in that setting.
This statement on p43 is important, and one I would suggest you put on your wall somewhere.
The heart of youth ministry lies in relationships:
- youth with each other,
- youth leaders with youth,
- youth leaders with each other,
- youth leaders with parents, and
- youth with older people in the church.
youth with Jesus. All the other relationships listed are important, but if the youth do not have a relationship with Jesus then we are truly missing the point of ministry to youth.)
The Vision
This is a vision for the youth to be more than they are now. This means recognising that not all youth like the same things, want the same things, or are at the same level of spiritual development. How do you help the youth in your group to develop faith? How do you help those who do not like to read? And how do you help them to live out that faith?
Faith grows as it is applied.
The Team

If you are running a youth group on your own, good on you for being brave and willing to do so. But please, please, get some others around you. Even some of those old saints in your church might be willing to help in some way.
The Church
As you consider your church you may not be comforted by this next statement, but let it be a guide for you anyway.
. . . church culture makes a great difference to youth ministry in the long term. The culture also affects how easy it is for people to make the transition for youth group involvement to involvment in the wider church. p44
Some of you will know how important - and urgent - this issue is to me. We have segregated our church communities with the best intentions, but we have undermined our own health by doing so. Here is a sobering statement from the authors. "Most young people say they do now know the people in the wider church and are not known by them. Without those relationships, how does the church expect youth to become contributing members of their community?"
Do you have an answer?
Special Events
This was covered more in chapter six, so you can flick back to that blog post if you like. I acknowledge the tension that such a chapter brings, because inevitably many of these events will be youth only events. How does this work if we are trying to build relationships across the whole church community? Live in the paradox. Do both!
Youth ministry is difficult in Australia. Churches are under suspicion and even those who have grown up in a church community have no qualms in leaving. But youth ministry is also a terrific opportunity to help turn that around. You can help to change the lives of a generation - a generation that impacts the world around them right now.
Take up the challenge. It is a great one.

If you've been reading my blog you know what I think about this book. But would you like a copy of your own? If you are part of the Presbyterian Church of Victora, send me a message and we will get you a copy of this book. But I need to know by the end of May 2016. This offer is open for the first ten people to respond. So be quick.