What a beautiful morning. |
I know you’re wondering how many people were ready for
breakfast at 8.00 this morning. Well . . . the truth is . . . I don’t know. I
was late to breakfast.
But I have an excuse. You see, on the final day of most
camps, we need to get all our stuff out of the dorms by 9.00am and I was just trying
to get ahead of things. I can let you know that by the time I did get to the
dining room, it looked like everyone else was there. After breakfast, everyone
was sent back to their rooms to make sure that they were packed and ready
before our worship session.
In our worship today we had the chance to hear a testimony
from Rebekah Daffy. She was honest about some life issues, and encouraging in
her confidence in God. It is good to hear testimonies at our camps, and I
believe it is something that our teenagers need to hear more. Are the teenagers
in your church hearing the testimonies of others in your church? If not, why
Jared’s preaching today was from Proverbs 3:1-12, a passage
which contains some very familiar statements. Today we learned the secret to
wisdom. “The Secret”.

You can’t learn wisdom without humility.
When we say, “I don’t like what God says about something” we are leaning on our own understanding.
If you have someone from home or church attending this camp,
please talk with them about what they have learned. I can assure you that they
have heard some very good things, and I hope they have learned something as
PYV camps don’t happen without a lot of work from a lot of
people. Jesse and Naomi Crabb worked as conveners and built an outstanding team
of leaders around them. We had experienced leaders, and quite a few new leaders
at the camp, and they have made a solid impression on our campers. They’ve certainly
impressed me too.
The recordings of the talks, and photos and videos will be
on www.pyv.org.au in the next week
(hopefully). Keep an eye out for them.
West Camp 2019 will be at Norval again, but next year will
be a weekend camp starting on Saturday April 6, which is the first weekend of
the school holidays. Don’t miss it.
(Thanks to our music team. You were great.)