Thursday, 2 January 2020

PYV Summer Camp 2019 – Day Five (New Year’s Eve) - Updated

2019 PYV Summer Camp
Today has been a fantastic, frightening, and very full day. The first post was written at 1.40am and I was tired. Now it’s time for the update.

The power wasn’t on when we got up, so it was looking like an acoustic day. We use a lot of tech gear in our sessions, so the music team were considering what songs they could play and, more importantly, what songs we might be able to sing without words on a screen. It also looked like it would be a cereal only breakfast, but the generator fired up just as breakfast was starting and received a strong round of applause from everyone. This meant the toaster worked which was satisfying for many campers.

The morning study group was great once again and the cooler weather made it even better, although it meant those groups who had been meeting outdoors needed to find a place inside as the drizzle was blowing around outside. In our study today we talked about ‘Knowing Jesus on a Cross’. It’s important to understand that the crucifixion of Jesus wasn’t an unfortunate turn of events but rather a key part of a much longer plan of salvation.

Our worship session worked well and as we had power at this stage, we were able to revert to the original plan. Andy spoke about Knowing Jesus as King and focused our thoughts on the question of ‘What should I study?’. The guidance Andy shared on this topic is helpful for many aspects of life too. Here’s a summary

·         Remember you are not the king
·         Be honest to Jesus about your heart – Ps 139:23-24
·         Read the King’s word – James 4:13-15
·         Pray to the King for wisdom – James 1:5
·         Make a decision
·         Trust the King
·         Stop worrying and be thankful

The example of Eric Liddell and his service to Jesus was a great encouragement. His desire was, in his words, to “Give glory to my master, Jesus Christ”. Someone who spent time in a prison camp with him wrote about Liddell –
“His humble life combined muscular Christianity with radiant godliness.” 
We also heard a testimony from Suzy Vines, the PYV Administration Officer.

The day became frightening when we got a message about how bad things are at Mallacoota. We have campers here with family members involved in the SUFM Beach Mission, and they were rightly worried. So before our afternoon activities session, we sat together and prayed. It was good to hear the campers praying with each other. We were very pleased to get a message later in the day that things were looking better. God is good.

The afternoon activities included a variety of stations at different places around the camp. Everyone had a go at a tug-of-war; ultimate frisbee; memory game; and more.

The prayer meeting today was well attended with a growing number of campers attending.

As usual, we got dressed into our costumes for the Board Games theme ready for our camp photo. There were a few dominoes, dice, Guess Who faces and a surprising number of Cluedo characters. The photo looks great.

After dinner we knew that the end of the year was nearly upon us and wondered what the activities for the night would be. When one of our leaders was carried in having been ‘murdered’ we learned that we would be involved in a fun game of real life Cluedo. At this point I want to give a huge shout out to Ben McLeod and Isaac Johnson who organised this. It was a creative and fun way to embrace the last night of camp and the board game theme.
Being presented with a prize for Best Costume 
by Rev Green and Col Mustard

Guess what happened next. That’s right, the Late Show that didn’t happen last night was on now. And finally the interview we’ve been waiting for all week took place. However, I’m not sure they needed to show the video of me slipping over on the water slide.
The Late Show Interview
Then we enjoyed a variety of activities before the end of year countdown. We gathered in the dining room, we worshiped and prayed into the new year.

Then we cleaned up and now I’m going to sleep.

Celebrating New Year's Eve

Beginning the year in Worship

PYV Summer Camp 2019 – Day Six (New Year’s Day)

All of life is worship and it's good to worship together

January 1 2020. It’s the final day of what has been a tremendous camp. Because it was a late night last night, the leader’s meeting and breakfast started later today. While that sounds like we all had a chance to sleep in a bit, we had to have everything out of our rooms before breakfast so it wasn’t much of an extra sleep.

I saw this verse of scripture on the door of one of the male dorms. It seemed appropriate today

If a man loudly blesses his neighbour early in the morning,
it will be taken as a curse.
Proverbs 27:14

Our study groups had their last opportunity to sit together this morning. The friendships that have been formed in these groups are friendships we hope will last for many years. More importantly we hope all they have learned and discussed will guide them to a deeper and stronger trust in Jesus and a clearer understanding of God’s will. The leaders of the groups have been faithful in helping your children understand the scriptures and how they apply to the lives of teenagers.

Have you talked with your children about their study groups?

After a shortened morning tea we walked up the stairs to our session room for our final worship session. We heard a short talk from Andy May to conclude his series where he has simply reminded us that God’s will for us is to know Jesus. We watched a recording of an interview with Sil Ruddle, who was the captain of the Australian Women’s Volleyball Team and involved in the Olympics in Sydney in 2000. She is now serving Jesus in Western Africa. She talked about determining God’s will for her life that led her to Africa and there were a few amazing statements. This was the stand out comment for me:

I went to SIM (Mission Agency) and said, “These are my skills. Is there an opportunity for God to use me and these skills?”

These skills were much more than volleyball. She had learned much about leadership while playing sport, but had also completed an engineering degree and had been working in water management for a few years. She had skills to offer.

Have you talked with your children about the talks at camp? Ask them about ‘maker; manger; cross; king’ and see what they can remember.

We also heard an encouraging testimony from Erwin Yii, one of our leaders. It is always an encouragement to hear about the difference Jesus makes in people’s lives whether it’s a testimony about coming to faith, or a testimony about growing in grace. Erwin has encouraged us all today.

Once again our lunch was fantastic with a choice of chicken or lamb on wraps, and then all the good things to put on top. The meals at camp have been great and listening to the conversations happening across the room over six days has been very encouraging. The campers did good work when it was their turn to set tables or to pack up dishes and wipe down tables.

From there we had our final time together to say ‘thank you’ to everybody who has been busy in leading different areas of camp. Our executive team led by Caleb Schulz; our speaker Andy May; the first aid team; pastoral care team; study and activity leaders; the tech team; and our musicians. (Apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone.) We also heard a bit more about YouthMETRO, and prayed for the group who have finished Year 12 and are graduating from PYV Camps.

This is a great group of young adults. Let's see what God has in store for them. 

I was flattered that some time was spent to say goodbye to me. My thanks to all who were involved in putting this together.

Then we had to pack up quickly and leave the camp as another group were ready to start their camp later that afternoon.

This camp has been eventful in unexpected ways with power outages and very hot weather. This probably helps to make it a very memorable camp too.

This camp is also my final camp as the PCV Youth Ministries Director. I am grateful to God for the opportunity that has been mine to be involved in the camps and to help point young people to Jesus. I trust that the seeds of faith that have been sown will continue to bear fruit for many, many years to come.

Ben getting everyone's attention.

The Executive Team did a great job before camp. And at camp. 

My last PYV Leader's meeting.