Day Two (Monday Dec 28)
Our day begins with a leader’s meeting at 7.00am where our
devotional thought came from 2 Cor 4:5 “For we do not preach ourselves,
but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” A
good reminder for our leaders that we are here to point campers to Jesus, and that
we are here to serve. This was followed by a prayer gathering at 7.30am. Today
around 50 people, including some of our youngest campers, were there praying
In 2015 we have seen a change to our standard timetable.
This means that after breakfast we begin the day in our study groups. The aim
here is that we have heard a talk the night before, and we have then had the
night to consider what we have been told. Meeting first thing in the morning
means we get to talk to campers when they are at their brightest and best.
Today in our groups we talked about ‘Resisting Temptation’. For those playing
along at home, have a read of Genesis 3:1-6; Matthew 4:1-11; and 1 Corinthians
10:12-14 to see something of what the Bible teaches about temptation and
dealing with it.
After a time of personal devotion, and morning tea, we split
into activity groups. Today, we were looking for the evil team who broke into
the Fairy-tale world and stole the pen so they could re-write fairy tales and make
the bad guys victorious. Working together as a team, our brave and wise groups
were able to battle against the Big Bad Wolf while solving the clues that had
been left behind. Fortunately, they were successful just before lunch.
After lunch we had our first session of workshops. Today
three workshops were on offer. “Is Science a Friend or Foe to Christianity?” “Should
Christians Date?” and “How do I know I am a Christian?” Not only are these good
workshop topics, but having trained and skilled people leading these workshops
was amazing.
A couple of hours of free time, and then dinner, led the way
to our next worship session. Here the topic of Practical Christianity became
even more obvious. With a video showing one of our youth involved in Schoolies
Revolution in Uganda, songs that bring us together in worship (although all of
life is worship) this opened the way for Andrew to once again speak from the book
of James. Tonight we were in James 2:1-13 and we were challenged to rearrange
our values. “We need to get in line with God’s values, rather than just
following the values of our culture.” Already we are learning how deep the work
of God is in our lives and the impact he makes.
“We need to get in line with God’s values, rather than just following the values of our culture.”

#pyvsummercamp15 #onceuponapyvsummercamp
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