Today is our last day at camp, and that means we need to give some time to packing and cleaning up. I want all my readers to know just how well the campers and leaders do this. Whether it's packing your own bags and getting them out of the dorms picking up rubbish from other rooms; moving furniture back where it needs to be; or just helping where they can, this is an excellent team of people. Thank you all for doing your bit.
Remember what I said yesterday about cooked breakfasts? Today we had pancakes. So I changed my mind. I think I made the right decision there. They were good.
In our morning session we opened up the question box and had four of our leaders seeking to answer the questions that were on the minds of some of the campers. We never have enough time to give a lengthy answer, so some people might still have a question to ask. If that is someone in your church or your family, let me know and we will answer what we can. Today we had questions about life (What do I do if I'm at camp but would rather go home?); Bible (Are there any myths in the Bible?); Theology (Is there a heaven?) and Faith (What can I do to make sure I'm living a Christian life? I may have re-worded that last one.) Good questions to ask.
And there was a question about dating. Want to know what the question was? Or the answer I gave? Ask someone who came to camp. I expect they will remember.
Preparing for Worship |
Morning tea was enjoyed before moving into our study groups - this time in some different locations as the campsite is preparing for the next group to come in this afternoon.
For those who were at Summer Camp, I am very happy to report a marked improvement in the lunches. It has been very good, and a conversation with the new managers helps me to believe that this will continue. After lunch it was good to be able to say "Thank You" to all those who have worked hard in the lead up to camp, as well as during the camp itself. A huge thank you to Nichola who has been working on East Camp for months as well as doing her Uni work.
So East Camp 2016 has come to an end. It has been cold but the sun has been shining to make it a perfect weekend for a camp in winter.
Thanks for coming along everyone. We look forward to seeing you again in 2017!
PS. We will have the talks up online soon. Please keep an eye on pyv.org.au or on the PYV Facebook page.
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