Sunday, 18 September 2016

PYV 2016 North Camp - Day Three

Crazy Hats - North Camp 2016
On the PYV regional camps, the final day always seems to come around very quickly. Waking up today to see clear blue skies and the sweet sound of no cars meant it was shaping up to be a great day. The early morning leader’s meeting, a prayer gathering, and then breakfast led us to the agonising part of camp – cleaning out our dorms. It is always my hope when this is done that everybody takes home all of their possessions and there will be no lost property for us to deal with.

Our morning session again included a time to answer questions that youth had placed into the question hat. Which reminds me, did I say that our camp theme is “Crazy Hats”? Last night before dinner we had a camp photo with everyone in their crazy hats. Some people have gone to a great effort to either find or create a crazy hat. They may not all be practical, but they were fun to see. Anyway, that’s why we had questions in the question hat.
In our session we have sung, we have prayed, and we have had another ‘Chats with Gresham’. Today we heard from two young men who know each other very well, but still were kind enough not to tell any embarrassing stories about each other. Brothers can be nice.

The singing at this camp has been terrific. We introduced some songs which were new for some of us but which were picked up very quickly. Hopefully we will have them listed on the PYV website or Facebook page soon. Perhaps your church might like to learn them as well. The talks from camp should be there soon too.

Adam spoke this morning on the miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead. Just imagine what it must have been like at the moment Jesus said “Open the grave”. What would be going through your mind as you heard those words? Would you think about the smell? Or the sight? Or would you be wondering how mad Jesus must have been to have said something like this. But then imagine what it would have been like to actually see Lazarus walk out of that tomb! Isn’t it interesting then that for John as he wrote the gospel, the main thing wasn’t the miracle but the sign – what the miracle was pointing to. Nothing, not even death, can stop Jesus. John 20:30-31 is a key statement in the gospel of John. If you’re reading the gospel, read this first.

Morning tea was followed by the final study group session. This study was on the greatest of miracles recorded in the gospels – the resurrection of Jesus. The teenagers who have been at this camp have been confronted again and again by the miracles of Jesus and what they point to. They have been given excellent reasons to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. If you have a teenager attending this camp, please talk with them about this.

After lunch we cleaned up and as I write this, most of the campers have gone. We just have a few leaders here who will be taking these campers home soon.

So, all too quickly, our time has ended and we will all soon be on the highway heading home.

Thanks for praying for us. Thanks for supporting PYV with your prayer and by sending your children to camp. We hope they have found it worthwhile. 

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