Wednesday, 27 September 2017

I want to be like this when I'm old.

This morning I read Psalm 71. I think this is a Psalm that relates to all of life as it speaks about birth (v6), youth (v5,17) and aged (v9,18). It was verse 18 that caught my attention though:

Even when I am old and gray,
do not forsake me, O God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
your might to all who are to come.

Wouldn't it be great to have older Christians sharing their experience of life as a disciple of Jesus Christ? Of course, this assumes that there are older people who are disciples of Jesus Christ. I know there are because I have met some.

It also assumes that these people have something worth sharing. If you have been a worshipper of God through a life time, as the author of this Psalm clearly was, then you should have a lot of stories to share. So share them.

This verse also assumes that youth will listen.

So here is my prayer:
that youth will look to the older people of the church for wisdom
that youth will listen to that wisdom and learn from it
that older people will share their stories
that friendships between the generations will grow.

Then, when I am old and grey - though some might think I'm already there - I hope I will be able to continue to speak to youth about the glory of God. 

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