Friday, 29 December 2017

PYV Summer Camp 2017 – Day Three

I know it’s a summer camp, but I am enjoying the cool change that has rolled through the mountains. The rain is pleasant, although it has also meant some very large puddles. 

The day began, as usual, with the leaders meeting together. These meetings begin with a devotional message and over this camp these messages are dealing with different kinds of relationships. On Thursday we heard about family relationships. Today we were challenged on our relationship with our enemies. Acknowledging that we probably don’t have enemies in the normal use of the word, we were still given wisdom on some good ways to react to people who we struggle with.

Please note that this is not in any way a reflection on anything happening on camp.

The enthusiastic noise of a crowded dining room at breakfast is something that can’t be described by typing words on a laptop. (I expect some people have that skill, but they’re not the ones typing.) It is a great sound, particularly if you are having trouble waking up. This may have been me.

From here we made our way to our morning worship session. Today we enjoyed a short video from yesterday’s activities, we sang together, and we were encouraged by a testimony from Hayden. The value of a Christian family was referred to, and also the reality that while many might have that experience, the greater need is Jesus himself.

Pete’s talk for today is titled “The Relationship Revolution”. Here we were allowed to get a vision of one solitary life that changed everything. Pete took us to Mark 10:34-45 to confront us with the experience of the disciples – James and John – and the way they were seeking Jesus to provide whatever they wanted. It’s confronting because it’s like us. A couple of statements that caught my ear are:

Love is an attitude and an action that serves and gives for the good of others.

Salvation is not a reward for the righteous but a gift for the guilty.

These are encouraging and challenging statements. I hope that they will continue to be both of these things to our campers even when they get back home from camp.

Our study groups continued the theme and asked us to consider when we do the same as James and John. A confronting question for us all. Then, looking to Jesus, we were asked if we have accepted Jesus’ life as a ransom for ourselves. Again, a confronting and important question.

Just checking the cards
Lunch was followed by some free activity time. Some took the opportunity to visit the local swimming pool, while others stayed on site. There was another soccer game, some basketball, volleyball, board games, table tennis, and some painting. Everyone was busy with something.

Tonight was, I think, one of the key events of the camp – and the fact that it was raining didn’t get in the way at all. Tonight we separated the boys and girls into different rooms. Here the boys were able to hear wisdom from three of our leaders on issues of identity, relationships, marriage and singleness. There were a number of highlights from this discussion, but a stand out comment for me was this – your long-term friends are not your school friends, but rather your Christian friends. It is with these Christian friends that you have a deeper connection.

Just the boys
We hope that some of these young men are finding their best friends at camp this week, even if they don’t yet know that they will grow to be best friends.

It has been another good and full day at Summer Camp. Thanks for supporting us with your prayers.

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