Daniel Turcato has provided the blog posts through East Camp 2018. Thanks Daniel.
After a big day 2, our final day at East Camp ’18 was likely
to see a lot of tired campers and leaders.
Despite this, day 3 turned out to be an amazing day and probably my
favourite day on camp so far! After our
day started again with early morning prayer and breakfast, we had our final
session which was primarily about the Bible’s teaching on words.
Nick taught us about how words are incredibly powerful and
how the words of others are important.
We were challenged to not only be careful of not using negative words
but also to be deliberate in using our words to encourage. The old phrase “if you don’t have anything
nice to say, don’t say anything at all” is only half the picture! We should be aiming to build each other up as
well. We were also challenged to be good
listeners and to view the words of others as important.

Following session we squeezed in some morning tea, packing
up and then went into our study groups.
These seemed to go really well with the kids really engaging with the
topic of words. Then after the studies
and lunch, we had an opportunity for campers to have a time set aside to spend
time with God. These quiet times are
invaluable and we have encouraged our campers to continue this on into the week
ahead. Maybe you can grab a copy of the
camp booklet, have a read and help encourage your child to continue on –even
join them in doing the quiet times! On
camp we have found it was a real blessing to see leaders and campers doing
quiet times together, studying God’s word and praying together.
As camp finished, the leaders expressed how there was a
lovely spirit at the camp. All campers
were very well behaved and joined in the activities with enthusiasm. On behalf of PYV, thank you for your
partnership in gospel ministry for youth.
We look forward to future opportunities to continue this work!