Monday, 24 September 2018

PYV East Camp 2018 - Day Two

Thanks again to Daniel Turcato, Convener of East Camp, for writing this report. 

Day 2 at East Camp ’18 began bright and early with a prayer meeting at 7:30am.  We focused our prayers on the persecuted church.  It was great to have a time of prayer specifically aimed out needs other than our own. 

Our second session today was centred around God’s wisdom when it comes to money.  Nick led us through many of the passages in Proverbs that teach us about money.  He explained that money is good and can be used for our blessing but that it is also dangerous.  The main phrase that stood out to me was when he explained that the problem with money is when it moves from being a good thing to an “ultimate thing” – taking the place of God as most important in our lives.

Our sessions also include worship in the form of singing praise to God.  These have been blessed times and we have been well led by our musicians in focusing our thoughts and attention on God during these times.

Following the sessions, we had a second study group times and leaders were encouraged by the understanding of and response to some of the questions.  Then came time for the epic Sunday afternoon activities.  Covering the huge campsite, teams raced the clock to complete tasks, piece together clues and reach the next checkpoint.  Great fun was had by all but fair to say great exhaustion was felt by all. 

Our themed costume dinner centred around Gold certainly made everything seem bright and cheerful – almost everyone was dressed in some form of shiny, bright gold.  Others took a slightly more cryptic path – Gold-ilocks and the three bears!

Our final act of the day were activities.  These were slightly more chilled than the previous night with a bonfire, marshmellows and the pronouncement that team Ruby won the camp competition – congratulations team!

Our final day is tomorrow and we will be focusing on being wise with our words. I can’t think of a better topic for all of us to be challenged on!

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