Friday, 1 January 2016

PYV Summer Camp 2015 - Day Six

 Day Six (Friday Jan 1)

The Whole Fairy Tale Gang
It was a weary, but excited group of leaders who gathered for the daily leader’s meeting a little later than usual. We opened with a devotion from Job 28, a favourite passage among Christians who work in the science field, and Colossians 2:3 “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Human wisdom is unable to mine the deepest and ultimate source of wisdom – Jesus Christ. Our prayer meeting had a smaller crowd than through the week, which is probably understandable after such a late night, but our youngest camper was there. Thank God for young people who are learning to pray.

Who would like pancakes for breakfast? Everybody would like pancakes for breakfast on New Year’s Day and we enjoyed what had been prepared for us. Which leads me to say that there has been plenty of food at this camp. The staff have worked hard for us to make sure we have had plenty to eat at each meal. However, I will add this. There might be more vegetarians among us when we next visit Rawson Village. Those meals looked fantastic!!

Our morning session was our final worship session for this camp (Yes, all of life is worship, but you know what I mean). A song that will be stuck in our heads for a while to come is “Build your kingdom here” by Rend Collective. We sang this with great enthusiasm partly because it’s a catchy tune, but there are great words in here too. If your children were at Summer Camp, play this at home and see if their faces light up.

Andrew preached “Be Patient in Suffering” from James 5:7-11, a topic that is certainly relevant for Christians in other countries and will likely become more relevant in the lives of these teenagers. We can be patient because Jesus is coming. “Jesus is coming. So patiently keep living for him and his kingdom.”

While we live in a society where almost everything is instant – digital cameras, microwave ovens, etc, - we should not expect that we will have everything from God now. Nor should we expect that we will have everything from others now. And nor should we expect to live in a friendly world now. But there is still a promise of such a world.

That led us into our next study where we opened our Bibles to Revelation 21:1-8. In this passage we read about the society of the future – God’s good and perfect society where everything is as it should be. As we talked through the questions based on this passage, we were able to look into the future and see just how different that society will be, a place where our desires are different, where the hurts of the past are fully dealt with, and a place where our deepest desire is Jesus himself. (O Lord, haste the day!)

I don’t often serve at camps as a study leader. But this year it has been my delight and privilege to share the leadership of a study group. Here I have heard young men talk about their faith and understanding of Jesus. Some of these young men have been converted at this camp, so their faith is young. And yet as I listened to them talk, I have no doubt it is solid. God is still at work changing hearts and lives. I look forward to seeing what will happen for these young men in the future.
Summer Camp Leadership Team

After cleaning out our dorms and bedrooms and enjoying a final meal together, we gathered for the final time in our sessions room. This hour was a chance for us to say a huge “Thank you” to those who have worked so hard to make this camp great. We also took some time to hear from YouthMETRO Trainees about what they have learned over the intensive week. They have all had some “Aha!” moments as they have listened, discussed, and read a lot over these few days. They have also been busy putting their learning into action as they have shared Jesus with the campers. It is through them that God has been pleased to change many lives. Again, I look forward to how God will use these new evangelists in their own communities and church families as they go home from camp and continue their training.

Pastoral Care Team and some W.A Visitors.
I want to record here a huge “Thank You” to our convener, Kirsten, for the great team she brought together to prepare for camp. This team has worked hard for many months to get things ready. I also want to say “Thank You” to Lilly, PYV Administration Officer, who put in some long hours before Christmas to make sure everything was in place. We are greatly blessed to have skilled people working for Jesus in these ways.

There are too many others to thank – but a big thanks to those who worked hard cleaning up after the camp. This always seems to take longer than we hope, but we make sure we leave the campsite as clean as possible.

Our God is a great God. And this camp has been a great camp. It was great to be there and enjoy the fun and food and worship and everything else. I come home from this camp, as I do from many others, exhausted and exhilarated.

Glory to God. 

For more info on PYV, go here:

My thanks to David Johnstone for the photos on this post.

#pyvsummercamp15 #onceuponapyvsummercamp


  1. Thanks for posting about the week.
    It was very encouraging.

    1. Thanks Gary. I appreciate your comment.
