There is much in this research which all pastors, both youth and senior, should take seriously. In this series of posts, I hope to give a brief summary of each chapter. Of course, you will be much better off if you purchase the book yourself.
What should youth ministry be doing?
I have many answers to this question, but I will limit myself to what this book reports.
After a few pages laying out the scene for young people in Australia, the authors cut to the chase and show us what they believe youth ministry should be. In the second paragraph on page 4 they give three directives:
- providing a context for the development of the spirit
- helping young people to create meaning and find purpose in their lives, to develop motivations for and ways of meeting life's challenges, and encouraging commitment to life's goals.
- providing a context in which young people can develop the capacity for good relationships with themselves, with close others, with the wider society, with the natural environment and with God.
Many of us who serve as youth leaders in the evangelical & reformed part of the church have an idea of what we hope the youth will be when they become adults - strong disciples of Jesus Christ. But we don't often give thought to the starting point of these same young people. CRA take some time to suggest three pictures of different starting points.. .. the religious faith needs to be interwoven with the realities of society, with its expectations and responsibilities.
The Fun and Friend Seeker
You know those teenagers who don't seem interested in anything at church that you are promoting? Those young people who only respond when you suggest something fun? This is that group. And we can't change them quickly, if we need to change them at all. But if you are part of a small church, it can be a real struggle to keep young people interested when the big church or other clubs always seem to have bigger and better activities.
I think we have the greatest message that teenagers will ever hear, and most of them won't be hearing it at school or at Hoyts. But if we make it really dull and boring, then we shouldn't be surprised that they look bored and stop coming along. Two suggestions are made on building connections with the fun seekers. Big events and food.
Big events are places where you can be anonymous while checking out what's going on. It might be a youth camp, Christian Youth Convention, or even a local churches event, but it's a place where people can come along and join in. It's a place to start.
And who doesn't love food? There are a lot of conversations that happen while people are eating together, whether it's a proper meal, supper snacks, or even if you are making pizza together. It's a fun way to make connections.
The challenge, as the writers point out, is to provide pathways for further steps in the development of the spirit.
Taking Life More Seriously
These teenagers might still enjoy some fun, but they have also recognised that there is more to life than fun and games. They want to explore some of the deeper issues of life, and those who are coming to church youth groups are looking for more information about the Christian faith. But it isn't limited to discussions. Many are looking to solve some of life's problems. Examples are given of those involved in a school trip to Cambodia to help build housing, or of getting involved with a soup kitchen in the city. How are you teaching your youth to take the issues of social justice seriously?Here's an interesting observation. All youth leaders say they are open to questions about faith. (If you're not, then please go and do something else.) But most will say they are not asked many questions. Here's another quote:
One church had developed a strong ethos of being open to all sorts of questions. It is probably not a coincidence that it was in that church we met the young person who said he was there to ask questions about the Christian faith. p7
Churched Youth and Their Friends
The overwhelming majority of those involved in church based youth groups were young people who had grown up in families who attended the church. That's probably not surprising. Here they are meeting with friends they are already connected to, and here is a safe place for them as Christians to talk about life issues. For those attending state schools, youth group might be the only safe place they can do this.
But, like all things, there is a dark side. Consider this comment, "some of the young people in the youth groups said that they really did not want their non-churched friends to come." Does this conflict with the message from the leaders who keep urging them to bring those friends along? How do you resolve this?
This group of churched youth are further divided into three sub-groups (there's a lot of 'threes' in this chapter.)
- A devotional faith. These teenagers appreciate the focus on faith and that there are leaders who take an interest in their spiritual lives. They enjoy the small groups where they can discuss faith, scripture, and the connection with their everyday life. They enjoy seeing that God is a part of their lives.
- An owned faith. Teenagers want to take things seriously, but they can't - and won't - just pretend. They don't just want to inherit faith, they want it to be their own. So how do we help youth to own it for themselves? "In some places we gained the impression that the youth leaders were imparting their understanding, but not giving much space for the independent exploration of faith by the young people themselves."
- An applied faith. Leaders will surely want to help teenagers apply faith to all aspects of life. Or at least, we might assume that. For sure, there are those who are considering life choices in accord with their faith, but it would seem that there are many others who are not. "Many of them saw their career as something quite separate from their faith."
There is much more in the report than just what I have reported here, and I hope to write more in the days and weeks to come. But even in the first chapter those involved in ministry to youth and young people will find a lot to chew over.- How do you connect with the fun seeker and those who want to take life more seriously?
- How do you help those in the church invite their non-churched friends?
- What space are you giving young people to ask big questions?
- How will you help people connect faith to the whole of their lives?
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