February 1 2017 - Evening lecture
I know the word 'lecture' might conjure up images of boring people, but this event will be anything but boring. Andrew Root is a teacher and writer that I have learned a lot from. His book "Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry" had a huge impact on me when I read it, and his short series that begins with "Taking Theology to Youth Ministry" is a series well worth reading.
Andrew will be in Melbourne lecturing all week, and on Wednesday Feb 1, he will be giving a lecture on 'What is the Theological Turn in Youth Ministry? Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer'. His book ""Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker" is an outstanding book that will be well worth your time to read. At this event, you will get the chance to meet the author and ask your questions. I've attached a picture about this, or you can click here to see my blog http://ministryandyouth.blogspot.com.au/2016/11/ministry-youth-theology-and-bonhoeffer.html
January 26 - 29 2017 - Engage'17
For those who have been to Engage before, you know that this is a conference where you will learn to read the Bible better so you can teach the Bible better. This conference will have Rev Mike Raiter preaching from the book of Numbers, a variety of workshops, and most importantly, the strand groups that will help you to read and teach the New Testament, the Old Testament, Doctrine (worship) and a fourth strand on Ethics.
Registrations for Engage'17 are open now. The website has also been upgraded, so please take a moment to check it out. http://www.engageleadersconference.com/
December 27 2016 - January 1 2017 - PYV Summer Camp

The Annual PYV Summer Camp is an event that people get excited about each year. Not only is the weather good, but there are plenty of good people to meet and the preaching is excellent. This year we have Rev Jared Keath from Frankston coming to preach from the book of Exodus. We had a training day last weekend and heard an outline of the six talks that Jared will be delivering. So when I say the preaching is excellent, I'm confident I'm using the correct word.
Kirsten Bryant from Drouin is our convener for Summer Camp, and with her experience and leadership, and the team she has put together, I have no doubt it will be a camp worth being at. Please encourage the youth in your church community to come to this camp.
Postcards have been sent to every church, but if you haven't seen any at your place, please let me know urgently and we will send you a bundle. For more information and registration, go to https://www.pyv.org.au/camps/summer
I conducted some training at Drouin in Mid November. I recorded this and there are now two extra recordings available to you all.
- Why
youth ministry is essential -
- The practice of youth ministry - http://files.pyv.org.au/audio/The_Practice_of_Youth_Ministry_compressed_version.mp3
Thank you for all you have been doing through 2016. I know it's not over yet, so I hope it will finish well for you and your team.
God bless you all.
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