Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a name well known to many Christians. His writings and his life example have confronted many of us as we wonder how to live as faithful Christians in a non-Christian world. But most of us have known very little about him as a minister amongst youth and children. There is much about this that we should know.

You could read Bonhoeffer's work, which is quite extensive. You could read biographies on him, but there seem to be as many of these as there are stars in the sky. You could read Andrew Root's book "
Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker", which is outstanding. (I was going to put a link here to my own review of the book, but it looks like I didn't actually write one. I was sure I had. I will get to that soon).
Or, you can come and hear Andrew Root speak about Bonhoeffer as youth worker in Melbourne on Feb 1 2017. That's what I'll be doing.
Jason Goroncy's
blog will give you more information.
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