Friends and supporters of PYV. Thank you once again for your ongoing prayer for the youth of the churches in Victoria. I know that for many it has been a significant year. I hope for others it will end that way too.
Next week our 2019 Summer Camp will be beginning at Forest Edge near Neerim South. We will have 185 people with us at the camp including campers, leaders, YouthMETRO trainees, and a few special visitors.
Andy May is our speaker and we are excited that he will be able to help our young people with the topic of "Finding God's Will for Your Life". As some of the group are finishing school and determining what to do from here, it's an important topic. Speaking of that group, some of these people have been to every summer camp through their secondary school years and we will give them a bit of a farewell at the end of camp. Perhaps you could pray for them while your praying for Andy.
Caleb Schulz is our convener for the camp and he - with the fantastic support of his executive leaders - have brought together a wonderful team to lead our study groups, activity groups, and workshops. You can find out more about the workshops at https://www.pyv.org.au/camps/summer
Chris Shaw and Nate Barbieri are leading the YouthMETRO trainees as they have their intensive week of theology and evangelism training. Many churches have seen the positive fruit of YouthMETRO over the years. Perhaps there's someone in your church who could be exploring this for 2021. It's never too late to start the conversation about that.
We will aim to be posting a daily update on the Ministry and Youth Blog for parents and friends to keep up with what's happening. We invite you to enjoy this each morning - https://ministryandyouth.blogspot.com/
Please continue to be praying for what God will do at the camp.
Thank you.
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