Friday, 27 December 2019

PYV Summer Camp 2019 – Day One

December 27 2019. It’s not the hottest day that we’ll have, but it’s still pretty warm here at Forest Edge Camp. The cool air of the evening is around us as I write this and I’m hoping that the rooms have cooled enough to allow people to have a good sleep.

Registrations opened at 3.00pm and there was a good crowd of people ready to sign in right on time. With campers, parents, leaders and a few younger siblings together it looked and sounded like there was a lot of excitement in the air. We have a few campers attending their first camp, and not just the young campers either. This is a cause for excitement too. There’s also a few attending their final camp as they have finished Year 12 now. More on that in days to come.

Caleb working the crowd
After a time to set up and play a few games, the introduction session gave us all a chance to meet the leadership team at camp, to be reminded of campsite and PYV rules, and to be introduced to the speaker and theme of camp. We also met the group of YouthMETRO trainees who begin their intensive week of study today.

Time was set aside for people to meet together in their dorm groups before dinner. Over recent years we have found this time to be incredibly valuable to get to know each other early in the camp. It’s hard to get to know people when the first time you meet them is in the dark while you’re trying to set up your bed. We also know how important the leaders are in the dorms. As I write this, many of those leaders will have prayed with the campers in their dorm and will continue to do that through the camp. Perhaps you can say a prayer with them around 10.30pm.

Dinner was fantastic, as it always is at Forest Edge, and then it was into our first worship and teaching session. I learned a new song (How long, O Lord) as we sang together, but the highlight of the session for me was Andy May’s first talk on Finding God’s Will. He helped us all to see that God’s will for us first and foremost is to know Jesus. It sounds a bit simple when I summarise it like that, but maybe it really is that simple. Anyway, when your children get home, talk with them about what they learned from Philippians 3 on the first night of camp.

Winners are grinners
The Late Show with Shady and Di gave us a fun conclusion to the evening. There was an interview with Caleb, a vote on whether it’s normal to eat chips first or hamburger first, and a ‘Price is Right’ competition. I was disappointed when they announced they were going to interview me, but then ran out of time. Maybe tomorrow.

We are off to a great start at camp. Pray for open hearts and open minds. Pray that God will glorify himself. Pray for endurance on hot days. And please continue to pray for Andy and all that he has to say.

YouthMETRO Trainees and Leaders

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