The basic answer is 'yes'.
What PYV will do is to have plenty of sunscreen available for everyone to make use of. We will allow extra time where needed for people to fill up their drink bottles and to carry them wherever they go. We will do all that we can to ensure the young people in our care are safe.

BUT - WE NEED YOUR HELP. We cannot make a child wear a hat if they didn't bring a hat with them? We cannot urge them to carry their drink bottle if they don't have one with them. So please, PLEASE, make sure a good hat and bottle are in the bag coming to camp. Some of our leaders are well prepared for the week with hat, bottle and sunglasses.
You might also be comforted to know that this will not be the hottest Summer Camp PYV has been through. My memory of our last Summer Camp at Forest Edge is that it was still 38 degrees at midnight as we celebrated the new year. At least it won't be like that this year.
The other concern that people might have is the potential for bushfire. And I want to calm any concerns parents might have on this.
PYV has done a Risk Assessment on many aspects of camp, and fire is one of these. We believe we are ready. Forest Edge CYC Camp is also well prepared for such an event and we will be able to leave the campsite if we need to. And you can be assured, we will be leaving the campsite if we need to.
So, it's going to be hot. It's summer and heat should be expected. But that's not the main focus of the camp. The focus of this camp is "Finding God's Will for Your Life" and I'm confident that when camp is finished and we are all heading home, we will have a better understanding of how we can truly discern God's will for our lives.
Please be praying for a safe camp, and be praying for what God will do among us.
We'll be updating the blog each day for you to keep up with what's happening.
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